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Art Escapes. Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museum

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Interessantes von Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co.KG

Details zum Buch


Art exists all around us: one just needs to know where to look. Escaping the conventional settings of the museum or gallery, a fascinating variety of art pieces exist everywhere from Ghanaian patios to the Las Vegas desert, from the forest in Scandinavia to the buzzing streets of Mexico City. Unconventional Art Places is a thoughtful journey through these little-known gems that become a destination in themselves, and should be part of every art-lover bucket list. Away from the queues, the crowds, and the constraints of the classic art spaces, these places invite you to discover creativity in a new light.


Ungelesenes Mängelexemplar mit kleineren Beschädigungen durch Lagerung und Transport; inhaltlich unversehrt! Mit Mängelstempel auf unterem Buchschnitt gekennzeichnet.



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